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  • subsea2020

BioSonics Flying Through a Nettle Patch

This video screen shot reveals a BioSonics BioFin tow vehicle suspended amid an aggregation of Sea Nettle jellyfish (Chrysaora fuscescens). The BioFin serves as a mounting platform for a split beam transducer configured with a DT-X scientific echosounder. The image was captured by Oregon Department of Fish & Wildlife biologists using a video camera deployed from an ROV about 2 miles off of Depoe Bay, Oregon in 40m of water. The researchers were collecting video and acoustic data to classify and map seafloor habitats. The data will be used to provide resource managers with more accurate estimates of rockfish distribution and abundance.

Jellyfish surround a BioSonics tow body during hydroacoustic survey

Sea Nettles can be quite abundant when ocean productivity is high and extensive upwelling off the Oregon coast this year has resulted in nutrient rich waters. Jellyfish densities as shown in the image below are common as they actively concentrate in areas of high productivity. The Oregon researchers have observed the jellyfish orienting the same way and exhibiting diel vertical movement. Click here to see live video of Sea Nettles swimming at the Monterrey Bay Aquarium.

Contact us today for information about BioSonics DT-X systems for fisheries and aquatic habitat assessment.

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