Is Your Company Ready for 316b?
BioSonics provides cost-effective monitoring solutions for 316(b) entrainment and impingement monitoring at cooling-water intake structures.
Thousands of industrial facilities use large volumes of cooling water from lakes, rivers, or oceans to cool their plants. Cooling water intake structures pull large numbers of fish and shellfish into a cooling system where the organisms may be killed or injured by heat, stress, or chemicals. Larger organisms may be killed or injured when they are trapped against screens at the front of an intake structure.
Section 316(b) of the Clean Water Act requires EPA to issue regulations on the design and operation of intake structures, in order to minimize adverse environmental impacts. After many years of litigation and delays, the final 316b rule is expected to be released this summer or early fall. The Final 316b rule will include regulations for operation of facilities such as:
Electric generating plants
Pulp and paper mills
Chemical manufacturing plants
Iron and steel manufacturing plants
Petroleum refineries
BioSonics offers state-of-the-art hydroacoustic monitoring systems for 316b and related applications. Read more here and contact us for more information.